Monday, June 21, 2010



Part of the proceeds from this book will be joyfully
donated to:
George Harrison's-
Material World Charitable Foundation
OM (or AUM) is the symbol of essence of Hinduism. It means oneness with the Supreme, the merging of the physical being with the spiritual. The most sacred syllable, the first sound of the Almighty - the sound from which emerges each and every other sound, whether of music or of language.

In the Upanishads (inner mystical thinking - meditation) this sacred syllable appears as a mystic sound, regarded by scriptures as the very basis of every other sacred mantra (hymn). It is the sound not only of origination but also of dissolution. The past, present and future are all included in this one sound and even all that transcends this configuration of time is also implied in OM.


Beatlemania to the extreme!

If "A Hard Day's Night" married "I Love Lucy," the offspring would be "A Date With A Beatle." An wild trip through Beatlemania with a 16-year old girl who has one goal in mind -... Read more

 A fabulous book -I read A Date With a Beatle on a road trip. First, it's a very easy read. Second, it made the trip just zoom by. 

Within the first 3 minutes of having this book in my possession, I read the first four chapters. I am not a reader but this book grabbed my attention and held onto it until I... Read more
Judy was a Philadelphia Beatle fan with extraordinary resourcefulness and good fortune. From the time she, then 15 first saw the boys featured on the CBS Evening News on Tuesday,... Read more

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