Sunday, November 22, 2015


If the first two episodes are anything to go by, this will be one worth downloading on a regular basis. The two bring unique and well-informed eyes to a topic they both clearly love. American Rodriquez (Solo in SeventiesRevolver: How The Beatles Reimagined Rock ‘N’ Roll; Fab Four FAQ and Fab Four FAQ 2.0), and Britain’s Buskin (The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Beatles; Days in the Life: The Lost Beatles Archives; John Lennon: His Life and Legend amongst many others) complement each other with different experiences of growing up fascinated by the Beatles. They are both knowledgable of course, but also have a lot of fun with their topic too. There are no sacred cows here.
The homepage for the podcast features cool original artwork by Executive Producer Rick Wey:

                                                               SUNDAY NIGHT 9:00 PM